"Mom, can we get a dog?"
"Dad, can we get a dog?"
"Mom, can we get a dog?"
"Dad, can we get a dog?"
This is how it's been for years, folks. And, being the anti-aminal type of people we are, it didn't seem likely (especially with their "i hate dogs" Daddy)... MAYBE when Mom stops working and stays home to keep house...MAYBE!
So, what made the clouds part and the time turn to "right"? Skippy!
Mom has taken the kids to the pet store to look at the dogs a few times before, but this Saturday was different. Ellie fell in LOVE with a little 4 month old, cream-white, chihuahua. What made this dog the "this is it dog"? It could be the fact that he hasn't made a SOUND since we've had him, or that John and I have never seen a more well-mannered dog, or that John fell in love with him too! That's saying A LOT, i mean A LOT! John doesn't just not like dogs, he hates them! So, we brought home this little puppy, completely undercover from the kids. I have never seen them so excited... and they named him SKIPPY.