Friday, February 15, 2008

10 Reasons why I am in LOVE

I guess there's no better excuse to go on about reasons why you love your husband than Valentine's Day. So, here goes...

10. He's ALMOST as big of a nerd as I am - From Star Wars to Battlestar Gallactica to Lord of the Rings... It's so nice to have someone to openly share filling your head full of useless sci-fi/fantasy knowledge.
9. The BEST movie Partner - Yet another part of our "nerdiness". And to know that if I actually DID dress up as a jedi master to an opening night of Star Wars, he'd be okay with it.
8. Shrimp Tacos
7. "Our Nights" - The fact that sitting around playing video games can seem like the best place in the world.
6. Looks amazing in Spandex...Sorry honey.

5. Stops to kiss me even when he's racing against time.
4. Let's me have the whole closet.
3. Works so hard at his job and loves every minute of it.
2. Is the BEST dad in the whole world! Family comes first ALL the time!
1. Loves me unconditionally. Still makes my heart flutter. I am the luckiest wife in the world!!!


LACY said...

sounds like a sweetie.

LACY said...

what a sweetie

LACY said...

oops sorry jen for postin twice :)

Heather said...

OH!! I love it!! You guys are so cute!! I am so glad that you are both happy in love!! So cute!! What a great couple!

Tanya said...

woo hoo! He is hot in spandex!